Lifestyle Renovation coaching begins with your thoughts and your habits, continues with your relationships, and concludes within your environment.
Uncovering the core thoughts that work for you as well as the ones that work against you is where we begin. What opinions, beliefs, and interpretations do you hang on to that bog you down and bum you out? We'll take a clear, simple, and swift approach to remove the thoughts that get you down and boost the thoughts that motivate you. It's easy. You'll feel better about yourself. (You're welcome!)
Now that you feel great about who you are, let's look at what you do. What do you habitually do that slows you down... that gets you stuck... that makes you avoid people? What do you habitually do that feels good... that propels you... that inspires you and others... that connects you to your loved ones... that allows you to do what you love and love what you do? We'll develop strategies to stop what you want to stop... start what you want to start... and support you to continue to do what already works. (Again... you're welcome!)
Now that you love who you are and what you do, let's keep it up and develop your emotional intelligence. We'll give you the skills to understand others and communicate cleanly, clearly, and respectfully. You'll be uber-effective at life, love, family, and work and enjoy truly sustainable partnerships. (Tell your family, friends, and your co-workers "You're welcome!")
Ok, so now that you love who you are, what you do, and who you're with... let's take a look at your environment. Do you love coming home? Or do you dread walking through your front door and seeing the pile of unopened mail, the shoes and backpacks clogging the entry, and the mis-matched furniture you've been hauling around since college? (OMG, how does she know?!) Or perhaps you're embarrassed to admit that the sectional you loved on-line is actually a behemoth that has completely engulfed your family room. Or perhaps you're pretty savvy but very busy and you need a professional to design your new home or office? Whatever your situation, aren't you lucky that your life coach is also an interior designer? (You're gonna say, "I just love coming home" and I'm gonna say, "You're welcome!")
Happy thoughts? Check. Good habits? Check. Great relationships? Check. Love coming home? Check.
Lifestyle Renovation complete.